Harry Edward Styles, known to the world of music by the name of Harry Styles, is a British composer and performer known as one of the members of the band One Direction. He was born in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England on February 1 1994, and is the father of Des Styles and Anne Cox. Harry Styles attended the Holmes Chapel Comprehensive school, where along with three fellow students, he founded his group musical, White Eskimo. Following their victory in the Battle of Bands 2009 thanks to their outstanding performance, they also participated in the 2010 Battle of Bands. He always had an interest in the arts, however he also wished to work as the profession of a lawyer, physiotherapist, or even a scout. While working in the city's pastry shop Harry Styles could afford to support his family. Harry Styles, in 2010 made an audition for The X Factor. His single Is not She Lovely was recorded by Stevie Wonder. The reason for this is that his band split. Nicole Scherzinger was the judge th...